Adex Gel 500g – Moisturising Emollient
Adex Gel
Adex Gel is used for the treatment and management of mild to moderate eczema and psoriasis.
Adex Gel is a highly moisturising and protective emollient which helps reduce inflammation and redness. Its moisturising properties are due to its high oil content and the inclusion of glycerol, a humectant, which holds water in the skin. Additionally, ancillary anti‑inflammatory action is provided by nicotinamide, a medicinal substance which is a form of vitamin B3.
Adex Gel emollient can also help reduce inflammation and redness because Adex Gel provides added extra anti‑inflammatory action.
- Primary emollient action is supplemented with an ancillary anti‑inflammatory medicinal substance that can be used all over the body and for as long as necessary
- Can be used only occasionally, such as during flares, or continuously.
- Adex Gel is a simple, convenient steroid-free treatment specially formulated for dry skin conditions prone to inflammation, such as eczema and psoriasis.
Always read the label.
Speak to a healthcare professional If there is no improvement within 2 to 4 weeks, or if you need more information or advice